A kidney transplant will restore my health and will allow me to live freely and not have to be tied to a machine to stay alive.

Be A Hero.



A matching kidney would be ideal. However, a direct match is not necessary. A kidney may be donated on my behalf through the National Kidney Registry (NKR) to help another person in need but who also has an incompatible donor. I would receive a compatible kidney from a donor donating on behalf of an incompatible recipient and that recipient who would then receive a kidney from a different unmatched donor-recipient pair.


You can help me by sharing my story and the link for this webpage via social media and email. Just by sharing my story you will help to save my life. Sharing would be like throwing a life preserver into the water to save me from drowning without jumping into the water with me. If you want to speak with a person confidentially for more information without any obligation to proceed further, please consider registering to Donate here. A knowledgeable person will be in touch with you.


Reasonable cost reimbursement is legal. Title III of The National Organ Transplant Act, 1984, Pub. L. 998-507, allows for reasonable payments associated with the removal, transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, and storage of human organs as well as for the expenses of travel, housing, and lost wages incurred by the donor of a human organ in connection with the donation of that organ. In addition, our medical insurance covers the costs of medical care and hospitalization for the donor as well as for me as the recipient. While reimbursement of expenses is legal, payment for the acquisition of an organ is not.